Any colour you like (or The Other Dream)
Really, I hate blogging. But I love writing. It's important for me to document my thoughts and to preserve them for the future so I can later embarrass myself when I revisit a certain time in my life. At the same time, however, I will start a new entry and soon abandon because I think, "Meh...who cares?" Right now, I'm at the most interesting point of my life so far. When I was both a kid and younger adult, I knew the trajectory my life was supposed to take: go to college, get a good job, marry, join a church, have children, retire, die, and go to Heaven. I went to college and that's about all I've accomplished correctly from that list. My orbital trajectory decayed--or got a boost--and I've been lost and confused ever since. I had one shot to get everything right that I was taught in my most formative years. Of course, as nature would have it...I got it wrong. So what do I do with the upcoming decades? I'm fixin' to traipse my way into Decade N...